About Mayor James Leader, father, Harvard-educated lawyer, Mayor Keith A. James is a champion of the City and its residents.
Hurricane Readiness Guide Mayor Keith A. James wants you to be prepared should a hurricane approach the City of West Palm Beach and Palm Beach County. Know your evacuation routes, shelters and make sure you have supplies.
Why West Palm Beach? Videos of businesses that are opening or have relocated to the City of West Palm Beach
Mayor's Jumpstart Academy Mayor Keith A. James believes in giving West Palm Beach's fledgling businessman and businesswomen an extra boost in the business world. He believes local small businesses deserve a chance to compete for City contracts and to succeed.
LGBTQ+ Liaison West Palm Beach is an accepting community and encourages all residents to be themselves. This page is to introduce the liaisons with the LGBTQ+ community.
Neighborhoods First The Mayor's Neighborhood's Initiative focuses on neighborhood collaboration and partnerships.
Community Service Mayor Keith A. James prides the city on serving residents and visitors. We're here to help and serve you.
Community Conversations Mayor James has taken the lead in bring proactive in addressing critical issues that affect the residents of the City of West Palm Beach.
Office of Economic Development Mayor Keith A. James is a economic advocate working tirelessly to encourage new businesses to move to the City and bring new opportunities to the City and residents.
Office of Small and Minority - Women Business Programs Opportunity! Small and minority/women-owned businesses often feel left out when it comes to City contract. This doesn't happen in West Palm Beach. Our office takes an active role is helping small and minority-owned business-owners and entrepreneurs get a head start.
Task Force on Racial & Ethnic Equality In response to the George Floyd killing, the City created this task force to examine the City and ensure safety for all residents. The task force conducted an independent assessment of the City's programs and policies before issuing the findings.
Community and Opportunity Highlights Mayor Keith A. James presenting tributes, proclamations and at ribbon cuttings