Directory of City Departments Contact telephone numbers for each City Department, and access a copy of the City's Organizational Chart.
Community Events Welcome to the City of West Palm Beach Community Events Division!Join us for good times, great entertainment and lots of free family fun in downtown West Palm Beach.
The Park - Municipal Golf Course Ushering in a new era in golf, The Park is a signature Gil Hanse-design course managed by the West Palm Golf Park Trust, a private foundation.
Parks & Recreation Learn about our parks and facilities, Youth and Adult Athletics for all ages, afterschool and camp programs, and more!
Road and Dock Closures Stay ahead of any planned road closure by following the weekly Road and Dock closure resport.
Hurricane Readiness Guide Preparing for hurricane season means deciding if you should ride out the storm in your home or evacuate to safer shelter.
Emergency Communications Be prepared for when a disaster strikes. Here are tips to help you be prepared and ready.