25th Street Improvements Project The improvements include repurposing the existing four-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway, as well as new bicycle facilities, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades, milling and resurfacing of existing pavement, new six-foot sidewalk, signing/marking upgrades, connectivity to the Australian Ave and US 1/Broadway Avenue, and minor drainage improvements.
49th Street Traffic Calming & Bicycle Improvements The project proposes the construction of ADA compliant ramps and sidewalk connection as well as the installation of traffic calming devices such as speed humps, and improvements to the existing roundabout at Pinewood Ave and 49th Street.
Broadway Avenue Improvements Broadway Avenue is currently a four-lane divided roadway with a raised median and center turn lanes. In 2017, over 30% of crashes along the Broadway corridor were pedestrian and bicyclists. This corridor is a priority and identified as a high crash corridor within the City's transportation network. Improvements along Broadway are consistent in the City's Vision Zero Policy.
Clear Lake Trail Project The project consists of a 5300 foot long and 8-foot-wide multi-use trail on the western edge of Clear Lake, a 700 foot boardwalk connecting the proposed trail to Okeechobee Blvd and limited shoreline enhancements on the west side of the lake. The trail and boardwalk will provide a continuous connection for bicyclists and pedestrians from Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. to Okeechobee Blvd.
Dixie Highway Lane Repurposing Study The City of West Palm Beach and the TPA are seeking to proceed with the recommendations from the US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study, which included converting the existing 4-lane roadway section to a street with one travel lane in each direction, buffered bicycle lanes, and a center-turn-lane between Quadrille Boulevard and 25th Street on US 1 (Dixie Highway).